Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sweet Potato, Boniato and Plantain Mash

Serves: 8


2 quarts water, hot
1 tbsp salt
2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled, 2" dice
1 pound boniato, peeled, 1" dice
1 pound ripe plantains, peeled, 1"dice
¾ cup milk
2 oz butter, ½" dice
1 tsp white pepper
¼ tsp cinnamon


Place the peeled and diced sweet potatoes, boniato and plantains in a 6 quart pot. Add hot water and salt, then place the stockpot on the stove over medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook for 35 minutes or until an inserted fork in the sweet potatoes and boniato pierces easily.
Heat the milk, butter, white pepper and cinnamon in a small stockpot until warm, then set aside for step 3.
Drain the water from the sweet potatoes, boniato and plantains and transfer them into a mixing bowl. Using a wire whisk mash until sweet potatoes, boniato and plantains are broken up. Add the warm seasoned milk and mix again until the sweet potatoes, boniato and plantains are smooth. If needed, season with additional salt to taste.
Place the sweet potato, boniato and plantain mash on a large serving platter garnish with chopped parsley. Enjoy!

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